A set of two coins from the First Central Bank of Elendel.
Clips are thick copper coins and the smallest denomination. The obverse features the Ascendant Warrior wearing a detailed Mistcloak and surrounded by the name of the city, “Elendel”, written in the Steel Alphabet. On the reverse is the symbol for copper surrounded by the words “One Clip” with the Steel Alphabet number 1 on either side.
The word “Boxing” used to be a slang term for gold Imperials of The Final Empire, referring to Kredik Shaw, the palace of The Lord Ruler. After the Catacendre, the slang context of this word was lost and the coins became officially known as Boxings.
Coin design by Isaac Stewart and Ben McSweeney, engraving by Woody Maringer. Learn more about our artists.
Based on the Mistborn novels by Brandon Sanderson, copyright © 2006, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2016 by Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC and used with the express permission of Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC. Mistborn® and Brandon Sanderson® are registered trademarks of Dragonsteel Entertainment LLC.